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About us

About Centre of Hope and Transformation

  • Established in 2010, we intentionally provide opportunities geared towards holistic approach empowerment. The Genesis of our story is in Ezekiel’s response to God’s calling to reach out to the “not churching” youths of Mathare. This is a home to over 1 million people and the 3rd largest slum in Africa. For some families this is the only home and have nowhere else but only this place of abject poverty and extreme lack to call home. This reality of lack is clearly evidenced by the shanty old ironed roofed small houses housing the slum dwellers, and the mess all around the not properly organized set up. The strong chains of poverty have ensured that the circle repeats itself so mercilessly to the majorities whose parents settled here and were blessed to have them born and raised in this very environment. With the limited opportunities available if any, the disillusioned teenagers and disadvantaged youths have ended up in crime, alcoholism, and drug abuse, with some young ladies ending up in prostitution, early marriage and premature parenting. It’s important to note that this comes as a result of many underlying factors but most importantly four: Religion, Poor parenting and guidance, poverty, and illiteracy. As part of the solution to the challenges that this community face God is empowering us to become that voice of True Hope even the Hope that Comes from Transformed lives. We continue to put in place platforms that ensure these challenges are addressed.  We look at the problems and challenges that face this community of which some we have experienced, and are slowly learning that it is not just enough to shift blame, complain or worse of only sympathize and do nothing about them. We believe that it is our God given responsibility to be an agent of change. The best way out is providing the opportunity to those who desperately need one.

” My husband Alan and myself have been supporting Ezekiel in his Ministry since around 2008. At this time he was a young man with huge dreams and vision for transformation and deliverance, particularly in Mathare Valley.

On his journey thus far, we have seen him mature, receive an advance diploma in Bible and Theology, a Bachelor’s degree in Biblical studies, become a pastor, meet and marry his beautiful wife, produce three gorgeous children, build a Church and grow his ministry in the most humble and respectful way.

From small  beginnings {think of of the biblical mustard seed} and  a head full of a vision and dreams, he has sought God and been His instrument of change, healing and indeed transformation. we are proud of Ezekiel, we are amazed at his tenacity and courage and in awe of his incredible faith in God.

We are honoured to be part of and continue to sow into his ministry journey. Our prayer is that God continues to guide, inspire, lead and bless his family and for them to always seek Gods face in everything they do.”



We are a team of change-makers who believe that every helping hand can raise a child and create a better future for them.
We started extending help to needy children and youth who were eager to study and work for a better life. This moment intensified when we found that there were many such underprivileged children who needed help with food, shelter and education. Our team expanded and we spread out in different regions to make sure we cover all possible areas and help as many children as possible.
We now run shelter homes, schools and a reasonable mess that helps such needy young people. We also have our helpline offices spread throughout the country so one can approach us anytime they need help.


Our church was launched on November 28th 2010. The church has a population of over 150 members


We have two schools, One in Mathare and the other one West of Kenya. Threefold approach; Education and feeding for the children and parent’s empowerment. Mathare school population 200 pupils, Khumsalaba school Population 50. Total number of children for the two learning points 250 learners. They are children with different needs

Our approach

Our Mission
Mission: Becoming all things to all men to win some for Christ.
Our Vision
Vision: Making Christian Disciples of All Nations.


  • Great Commission
  • Community
  • Great Command
  • Christ Likeness
  • Celebrate