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Centre of Hope Computer school graduation

On 4 November 4, 2022, Centre of Hope Computer School held its second graduation ceremony. The ceremony, which was held at Centre of Hope Church Hall, saw more than 30 students graduate with a certificate in basic computer packages.

The training, which took 3 months, saw the graduates gain knowledge on 12 basic computer packages. Most of the graduates being young people, this will help them position themselves competitively in this digital age.

Centre of Hope director Rev. Ezekiel Aseka encouraged the graduates to take advantage of the skills they had acquired and make their lives better. He added that there are a lot of opportunities, both in the formal and informal sectors, where one can get employment or start a business. The school is enrolling new students, who will start in the coming days. Those who graduated will also have a chance to advance to the next level of computer studies.

Pamela Atieno, one of the beneficiaries of the program, was full of praise for the program. She said that she has benefited a lot, and the skills she acquired will help complement her teaching job. Pamela works at Centre of Hope Junior School, and she vowed to pass the knowledge to the school pupils.

Centre of Hope and Transformation envisions an empowered community and through the computer school, the church has seen tremendous growth. Ian, one of the lecturers at the computer school, recently gave his life to Christ after a journey of Bible study that takes place every Wednesday. Susan Wanjiru and Mary Wambugha are some of the those who joined the church and are actively serving in the church.

The family of the Center of Hope and Transformation family congratulates those who graduated and we wish them well in all their endevours.